7 Common Blocks
Chakras are the organs of an energy system that makes up what is known as the subtle body. The chakra system allows for intentional and internal management of energy – the force that propels movement, action, and life. Energy flows up through chakras from the root towards the crown. Energetic blocks are emotional, physical, or psychological holding patterns that are not of service and prevent energy from rising. When energy does not move then we do not move; that takes many forms in life, such as the feeling of being stuck or an impasse in mediation. The chakras impact in what form an energetic block is perceived. The chakra system organizes somatic knowledge for deeper understanding and may aid those of us who desire specificity in our internal communication.
The following energetic states appear as blocks in the associated chakras and mediation:
Trust allows our attention and energy to be given freely, and without it what can be accomplished or agreed upon is very weak. In mediation I have seen mistrust as cynicism. I have observed a participant questioning whether undergoing the process of mediating with the other participants is worthwhile. There is a lack of buy-in or good faith because the participant is mistrustful of any one or more of all the participants, not excluding them Selves. The root chakra deals with security and survival. Mistrust generally arises from fear, which may stagnate energy at the point where we address that fear.
Imagination acknowledges that energy is rife with possibility. Without it we narrow our field of vision. In mediation I have picked up on lack of imagination as self-limiting beliefs. I have heard so very many assumptions about so very many things, including barriers to future options and what is meant by a phrase or gesture. Creative solutions are hard to come by when a participant has not invited imagination. The sacral plexus chakra deals with creativity and desire. When energy is flowing, possibilities can seem endless rather than limited by assumptions.
Inner power energizes the agency we hold over our choices. Acting is a struggle if agency is not powered. In mediation I have seen powerlessness as acquiescence. I have witnessed moments where participants did not recognize, notice, or appreciate (inexhaustive list) opportunities to assert their personal perspective. Not to say there are no advantages to an individual opinion staying silent, but is it an active choice? The solar plexus chakra deals with willpower and self-esteem. Self-determination is strengthened by solar plexus energy in motion.
We are social creatures who naturally depend on one another, and in healthy relationships that does not inhibit independent thinking. In mediation I have noticed codependency as parroting. I recognize that a number of reasons may underlie why a participant cannot offer an individual opinion, so it may be more noteworthy if coupled with another people-pleasing behavior such as repeatedly waiting to respond after others. The heart chakra deals with self-acceptance and love. Losing one’s Self in our instinctive need to belong results in suppressed energy.
It is easier for retribution and punishment to be the only consequences when someone or something has been judged and vilified. In mediation I have perceived judgment through accusations. Though I emphasize my neutral role, statements have been shared that would only be relevant if the intention is to prove another participant guilty of some sin or fault. This often occurs as an attempt by the participant who shared the statement to assert that they are not guilty. The throat chakra deals with integrity and communication. Judgment and blame restrain energy and reduce outcomes to rigid categories of right and wrong.
Foresight can be used in many ways, including checking in with body sensations and questioning whether all who are affected by a decision are participating in deliberations. In mediation I have seen shortsightedness as a lack of reality testing. More than differentiating between subjective perceptions and objective actualities, reality testing is using what has happened to inform what may be likely or possible. The amount of thought given to outcomes or consequences impacts how informed a decision will be. The third eye chakra deals with purpose and intuition. The energy moving us through each present moment mirrors our capacity to discern a path forward.
Standards are the internal guidelines we set for our Selves which reflect our values, needs and expectations. In mediation a lack of standards has come across as worry. Tantra-Informed Mediation™ encourages participants to speak to their needs and expectations in an effort to arrive at an agreement based on sound rationale that replaces chances to worry. The crown chakra deals with deep brain functions and consciousness. Energy can be moving and not moving forward; time is an unrenewable resource that could be squandered without standards.
Addressing blocks, more than one of which can appear at a time, comes with more ease when we more fully understand and work with our energy through concepts like the chakra system.